
How to Get Rid of Flies in the Backyard

Flies are annoying pests that can ruin your outdoor enjoyment. They buzz around your food, land on your skin, and transmit diseases. If you are tired of swatting flies away, here are some effective ways to get rid of them in your backyard.

Eliminate Their Food Sources

Flies are attracted to anything that is decaying, rotting, or fermenting. This includes garbage, compost, pet waste, dead animals, and overripe fruits. To prevent flies from feasting on these items, you need to:

  • Keep your garbage cans tightly sealed and empty them regularly.
  • Clean your compost bin and turn it over frequently.
  • Pick up your pet’s poop and dispose of it properly.
  • Remove any dead animals or insects from your yard.
  • Harvest your fruits and vegetables before they spoil.

Seal Up Cracks Around Buildings

Flies can enter your home or shed through tiny cracks and crevices. Once inside, they can breed and multiply, creating more problems for you. To stop flies from invading your indoor spaces, you need to:

  • Caulk or seal any gaps or holes around your doors, windows, pipes, and vents.
  • Install screens on your doors and windows to keep flies out.
  • Repair any damaged or torn screens.
  • Use weather stripping or door sweeps to close the gap under your doors.

Encourage Natural Predators

Flies have many natural enemies that can help you control their population. These include birds, bats, frogs, spiders, and carnivorous plants. To attract these beneficial creatures to your backyard, you need to:

  • Provide birdhouses, feeders, and baths for birds.
  • Install bat boxes or roosts for bats.
  • Create a pond or a wetland for frogs.
  • Plant flowers and shrubs that attract spiders.
  • Plant Venus fly traps and pitcher plants that eat fly.

Trap the Flies

If you still have flies buzzing around your backyard, you can use traps to catch and kill them. There are many types of traps that you can buy or make yourself. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Cone traps: These are funnel-shaped traps that lure flies in with bait, such as molasses, cornmeal, or fruit, and prevent them from escaping.
  • Light traps: These are electrically charged lights that zap flies when they touch them. You can hang them around your backyard at night, but make sure they are above head height and away from children and pets.
  • Sticky traps: These are strips or boards coated with glue that trap flies when they land on them. You can place them near fly-infested areas, but change them often as they lose their effectiveness.

Use Fans as a Deterrent

Flies are weak flyers that cannot withstand strong winds. You can use fans to blow them away from your patio, porch, or picnic area. You can also use fans to create a barrier around your doors and windows to prevent flies from entering your home.

Light Candles

Flies are repelled by smoke and certain scents. You can light candles around your backyard to keep flies away. Citronella candles are especially effective, as they contain aromatic oils distilled from lemongrass. You can also use candles made from lavender, mint, basil, or other fly-repelling plants.


Flies are not only annoying but also harmful. They can spread diseases, contaminate food, and damage plants. By following these tips, you can get rid of flies in your backyard and enjoy your outdoor space without any hassle.


Q: What are flies and why are they a problem?

A: Flies are insects that belong to the order Diptera, which means “two wings”. They have a pair of wings for flying and a pair of modified hind wings for balance. Flies are a problem because they can carry and transmit diseases, contaminate food, and damage plants.

Q: How do I know if I have a fly infestation in my backyard?

A: Some signs of a fly infestation in your backyard are:
Seeing large numbers of flies around your garbage, compost, pet waste, or other decaying matter.
Finding maggots (fly larvae) in your garbage, compost, pet waste, or other decaying matter.
Noticing fly specks (small dark spots of excrement) on your walls, windows, or outdoor furniture.
Hearing buzzing sounds from flies.

Q: How can I prevent flies from coming to my backyard?

A: The best way to prevent flies from coming to your backyard is to eliminate their food sources and breeding sites. This means:
Keep your garbage cans tightly sealed and empty them regularly.
Cleaning your compost bin and turning it over frequently.
Picking up your pet’s poop and disposing of it properly.
Remove any dead animals or insects from your yard.
Harvesting your fruits and vegetables before they spoil.

Q: What are some natural ways to repel flies from my backyard?

A: Some natural ways to repel flies from your backyard are:
Encouraging natural predators, such as birds, bats, frogs, spiders, and carnivorous plants, to feed on flies.
Using fans to create a breeze that flies cannot withstand.
Lighting candles with smoke and scents that flies dislike, such as citronella, lavender, mint, or basil.
Planting herbs and flowers that flies hate, such as rosemary, thyme, marigold, or geranium.

Q: What are some effective ways to trap and kill flies in my backyard?

A: Some effective ways to trap and kill flies in my backyard are:
Using cone traps, which are funnel-shaped traps that lure flies in with bait and prevent them from escaping.
Using light traps, which are electrically charged lights that zap flies when they touch them.
Using sticky traps, which are strips or boards coated with glue that trap flies when they land on them.

Keeva Rilee

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